Carnac is the first Golden Valley llama to be awarded the Supreme Championship at the British Llama Society annual show
I’ve had a terrific weekend. Lots of travel, loads of people, a shiny cup and best of all, so many new llamas for me to meet. Let me tell you all about my weekend at Newbury.
On Friday, my sisters Tintagel, Ann Howe and Hazelton walked into the front of our trailer and my brother Stonehenge and I stepped into another compartment at the back. Our people were taking us to a Show! Last Spring we went to another show and it was great fun. This was even bigger and it lasted two days which was exciting but a bit tiring.
We were penned outside a very big marquee and there we stayed so lots of lovely people could come and visit us. They were very kind. Sometimes, over the weekend, we were walked into a Parade Ring and were judged by a very nice lady. People like to judge us llamas, you see. On the first day, sensible and serious judging takes place. This means we are looked at closely – do we have four legs (one in each corner)? Do the four legs move well? Are our backs straight? Is our bone strong? Are our jaws properly aligned? And this all leading to the judge’s opinion on whether we’d be good mothers and fathers when the time comes. I was happy to see my sisters Mulfra Quoit and Belas Knap in their own classes. And I was very pleased for our dear old Dad, Pharaoh, as three of the five Show classes were won by his daughters Mulfra Quoit and Hazelton and by his son – yours truly.
All the Show class winners and second-placed llamas lined up and the nice lady judge asked us to walk around the parade ring. Then she asked us to walk up and down again. Now, when I’d done this in my class there were just us lads in the ring, but in the Championship, there were some lasses around and this I found very exciting. But this in natural and normal and the judge didn’t seem to mind. She thought that one day I will make a very good stud llama.
I’m Supreme Champion Llama 2015 which sounds pretty terrific. The very nice judge gave me the biggest rosette and a big shiny silver cup which was kind. Our people were very pleased.
On Sunday we were told that Stonehenge is the most handsome llama in the country, and I was given a second award because I’ve got the best fibre. Our people were very pleased (again).
Back in our pen, our people attached ropes to our halters and led us to the rail so visitors could look at us more closely. You people love to stroke our necks – necks are ok, but not heads or ears, please! When we trek, walkers love to take photographs of us, but at Newbury there were so many cameras, I expect hundreds of people have pictures of us to look at. Sensible people, llamas are very photogenic
More news from Golden Valley Llamas soon