Tintagel at the h.Art 2015 Exhibition
I’m a V.I.L. – Very Important Llama – and I attended the village’s h.Art exhibit over the weekend. I’d been asked by our people to put in an appearance at the Art Exhibition in the village. This was called ‘Textile Art of Ewyas Harold’ and as we had supplied our glorious fibre for our female person’s rug making the llamas graced the Exhibition and made it an all round success.
I strolled around and chatted over canapés with guests. They ate boring ol’ two leg food and I noshed out on grass, some particularly fine dandelion leaves and snaffled a twig or two from a v. tasty maple tree.
The paparazzi took their pix as I opened the event. I’m quite used to the limelight and flashing cameras and take it all in my stride.
It was a lovely weekend.
Now, I’d like to remind all our friends out there in Llama Fan World that we have our British Llama Society annual knees up at Newbury this coming weekend. Me ‘n’ Hazelton and Ann Howe will be there with our little bros Carnac and Stonehenge. I’m told we should see my dear old sis Belas Knap and wee Mulfra Quoit again and that will be terrific.
Come if you can.
We’ll tell you how we all got on next week
More news from Golden Valley Llamas soon