Stonehenge and Carnac take a late-November llama trek
Me ‘n’ Carnac and Brod have just had a lovely llama trek. Our gentle two-leg friends Maria and Dave came to our home and met us in the yard. It was a cold and sunny day and we were really pleased to get off the farm and go for a walk through our village and up the hill to the Common.
I can’t make my mind up whether I want to walk in front, or in the middle or at the back of the line, but perhaps I like it most when Brodgar walks at the head of the trek and me ‘n’ Carnac follow along side by side. We’re only 16 and 17 months old and people tell us we’re lovable and gentle. Just to feel ever so safe we really like it when we can just brush (ever so lightly) against each other as we walk. It reassures us to know each other is there.
Brod led us at a steady pace and soon we were passing the llama grid onto the Common. We walked along the low road past the oink-oink field and turned up a grassy (well, muddy) slope onto the open lands above. It’s fantastic on the Common. I can see for miles. I love it there.
We saw dogs and their people who we kept a close eye on, and when we were near the top, the six Exmoor ponies came charging down the hill towards us. The ground rumbled. So did my tummy as we’re not allowed to eat on a walk.
We walked right to the top of the Common and had our pictures taken. Left profile, right profile, snouty frontal.
Turning for home we could see all the local hills like the twin peaks of the Skirrid with snow on them and the white ridge above the Olchon Valley. It was such a pretty day and I was stroked all the way by my very good friend Maria. Dave stroked Carnac and we were happy.
Back at the farm we had the usual – tasty fresh grass to nosh and, even better, lots of lovely mix. Yum! Good ‘ol Uncle Stenness was waiting for us and he managed to grab a few mouthfuls of our mix, but we didn’t mind too much. Brod seemed to be a bit put out though…
And then, all too soon, it was time to say good-bye to our special friends Maria and Dave. A lovely llama trek in late November, what could be better?
More news from Golden Valley Llamas soon