Tintagel treks and attends a fete
Hello Two Legs,
Gosh, we’re having a busy time at Old King Street Farm. My natural talents have been recognised and I’ve been promoted to the very important position of Assistant Senior Trekker. I’ve taken out six treks this month and yesterday I went with the gang to a local display. Let me tell of a couple of things I’ve done.
A couple of weeks back I went out with my sister Belas Knap and my older brother Stanton Drew. We had a family with a very little two-leg with us, but the clever thing was that Molly Two-Leg didn’t have to walk and sat on her dad’s back the whole way. There we all are on the right. Brilliant.
Belas Knap and I like posing for the camera and the family were so nice that we all had a really wonderful time. Every week the Common changes and we love going there so much.
Yesterday Brodgar, Belas Knap, Ann Howe, Hazelton and I went to a very important fete. Now, we’re all British-born, but our grandparents came from South America, and do you know, there were people from our spiritual lands of Peru at the event. Marvellous.
We walked with families of grown up and little two legs and it was absolutely smashing. As I am Assistant Senior Trekker I looked after young Ann Howe and Hazelton. I say young, but do you know, I’m still one won’t have my second birthday till next week!
More news from Golden Valley Llamas soon