Stanton Drew leads a family on a llama trek
Phew, August is the busiest month. Lots of treks from the farm at the moment and we have visits to shows coming up.
There have been so many treks that we are staying really fit. I know we don’t walk very fast but we are in good shape and are doing well. I lead lots of the treks now and my lovely uncle Brodgar has been walking at the back of the line of llamas to oversee everything and make sure all is well. A few days ago young Moai spotted some pigs way up on the hill and he had to set up a warning cry to us all. Soft thing. Brodgar reassured him.
Yesterday was lovely – just the sort of trek we’ve been taking out a lot this year. A family of all ages came to the farm and met us. There were little children with the family, but the llamas know to kush – that means lie-down in llama-speak – so the children could fit our halters. They brushed us with soft brushes and the grown ups used our firmer currycomb brushes on our coats so we looked nice and smart.
Off we walked – or ambled – and Stenness and Brodgar had two ropes attached to their halters so the children could walk and lead a llama. Senior two-legs held one rope and the junior two-legs marched in front with the other – all very sensible.
We took a stroll up to Ewyas Harold Common. Here we are on the right. As you can see I walked with Vera who loved me. She was very kind and gentle and encouraging. I think I overheard her saying I was her son which was impressively quick work. Llamas must be VERY lovable musn’t they?
The common was glorious – not too hot, but lovely sunshine and some fluffy clouds to shield us at times. We took a circuit and then walked down the slope from the common and around the llama grid before walking back to the village. We passed the Temple Bar Inn and were cheered by the drinkers in the beer garden and some two legs wondered why we didn’t join them, but we had an important meeting with a tasty hedge back at the farm and we wanted our food reward.
Our farm is really lovely – home is a wonderful place to return to at the end of a llama trek – and the food here is so good. After devouring half a hedge we were given a little cereal mix. We were released to wander down to our field and everyone stood around and watched us amble back to our pasture for green grass grazing and a good rest.
More news from Golden Valley Llamas soon