Ringsbury tells us about Silbury’s death
Sometimes we have some upsetting news at Golden Valley Llamas. And I’m really, really sad to report that my old mucker Silbury has died. He fell ill three weeks ago and the docs were straight on the case. But sometimes it is a llama’s time to go, and whatever was tried didn’t help. This morning Silbury fell asleep for the last time. I was with him which was nice.
For three weeks the docs battled to save my mate, and the best hospital ward was laid on for him. We had a private Royal suite with an all-you-can-eat option from the menu – freshly cut grass, leaves, good ol’ Camelibra, hay and haylage. I was nominated as the full-time hospital visitor – you know, the one who turns up and proceeds to eat all the grapes, and I think my presence helped keep Silbury calm and quiet.
Every morning Silbury would have tests and scans, and each afternoon, he and I were led out into our own private paddock for tasty nosh. But Silbury had lost his appetite and didn’t really feel like eating. I suppose he sort of faded away.
He was a bit of a special llama for our people (I think we all are in our own way).
Tomorrow, I will see our people again and they will collect me and take me home to Old King Street Farm. I will be able to tell the rest of my herd all about Silbury which will help everyone.