Ringsbury’s Diary
When we are out for a llama trek I take up a position at the rear of the llama train where I can keep my eye on things. It’s good if I can make sure the other llamas are walking properly. Some might say I walk in last place because I’m slower, but that’s not true. It’s just that I like to take my time and examine things as I go. I like to know if anyone is following us up the track so I look behind me a few times during the first five minutes of a walk.
We had a lovely walk last weekend. Silbury, Avebury and I took three people out for a llama trek in the Black Mountains . First thing in the morning, we’d been haltered and groomed and were then led into the trailer. We’re now used to the trailer and know that traveling in it means we are going out for some fun.
Our walk started along a river, then we climbed through woods along the side of a mountain. Silbury walked in front. He usually does as he’s a good trek leader and sets the pace for the rest of us. Avebury followed him and I was last in line. Avebury and I wore our colourful woollen packs though we weren’t carrying any weight in them. We climbed quite high and across the valley on another track a large party of hikers saw us and waved. The air was still and we could hear them talking about us.
The countryside around these parts is really beautiful and hidden amongst the trees are derelict farmsteads. You might glance to the side and see a stone staircase rising five or six steps to nowhere, or an old sheep fold could be just around the next corner. I remember seeing a puddle on the trail full of tadpoles swimming about.
The trail took us back down into the valley and we met lots of people there. I don’t know why but people always want to take photographs of us. This is a chance for me to blow out my chest and look impressive. Normally people want to stroke us and this isn’t our favourite thing. It’s much better to offer us the back of your hand so we can sniff it with our velvety noses and that’ll keep everyone happy.
We’ll be back in touch again soon.