Brodgar takes Louise on her Hen Party Llama Trek
I have just returned from a Very Important Trek. It was Louise’s hen weekend and she and her friends spent her day with us. We took them llama trekking and they relaxed afterwards with special cake and punch. It was lovely.
Now, being the most reliable of llamas I get together with the ol’ two legs before the day to plan everything. Obviously I must lead the walk as no-one can do it as well as me, and because I stay calm everyone else does too. I’m talking about the llamas of course; it’s not always possible to keep the hens quiet – they tend to squeal and shout and laugh – but we like that as it means they’re happy.
I showed Louise and her 20 friends how we like our halters to fit and after a quick brushing we went for a long trek with plenty of stops for photos. Photos are really important. This trek probably set a record for numbers of selfies. All the Golden Valley Llamas now figure as someone’s profile picture, but I’m the most handsome so my picture is seen most regularly.
We reached the Common and said hello to the Exmoor ponies. This year the size of the pony herd has increased so the 9 horses and 11 llamas stood and said hello to each other. The hens liked seeing us all together.
The bracken was mown in the autumn and the paths are easy to walk on. Rabbits keep the grass short and it makes for good trekking. We had to step around a few puddles, and Kilpeck Castle jumped over a ditch which everyone enjoyed.
We turned for home and together with Rollright, Tintagel and Moai I led the trekkers home. I had put Stanton Drew at the back. Do you know? Stan has become a really sensible back marking llama. If I cast my mind back all those years to when a two-month old Stan flung himself into the lake, emerging all green, spluttering and wild-eyed, I don’t think I’d have picked Stan for the important role of sweeper, but he performs his role really well. Loopy Loupin Stanes still acts a bit daft sometimes, but she no longer throws herself in a hedge, so that’s alright then.
We were rewarded with fresh grazing and plenty more cereal and hay and the hens had their own refreshments.
It was really lovely meeting Louise and her friends and we wish her well for her wedding later this month.
More news from Golden Valley Llamas soon